Oh! the things I have done and have seen!
at times in my life I have been
a wife, a mistress, a lover,
no better at one than the other.
I was a wife for a very long time.
It wasn’t great. It wasn’t sublime.
I left when I just couldn’t take any more
my spirit had been ground down to the floor.
As a mistress was I much better?
Each visiting day was red letter.
Of course in the end he went back to his wife
but by then he’d had seven years of my life.
And then of course there was - yes.
Perhaps I should just let you guess.
For nine years her lover, or maybe her friend.
It all went horribly wrong in the end.
In between those the occasional date,
no-one I’d love, no-one I’d hate.
One wanted to marry, at first I agreed,
then realised he was not what I need.
And now - what of now? What am I today?
I lover of sorts, but so far away.
A voice with an accent, a face on a screen,
a love that traverses the miles in between.
Six years and counting. We’re both getting old
with nary a kiss or a body to hold.
But love is important in everyone’s life
so now I’m a virtual, Second Life, wife.
After all I have seen, and done, and been
a lot of memories, what do they mean?
I made my mistakes, as anyone might,
but I think I finally got it right.
© 2014