The Goddess of the milky way,
moves in ethereal splendour
scattering her radiant light,
illuminating all below,
bringing hope and clarity.
Nightly, she gives lovers play
with light so soft and tender.
May she aid you in your plight
for she will always see and know
and give you of her charity.
Black wingèd angel, creature of night,
locked in thine arms my heart takes flight.
Ah this, the ethereal taste of thy kiss...
no woman ever knew such bliss.
Take me, oh take me now,
oh black-winged creature of the night
nothing you do can me affright
for I have known the wonder of
your bright ethereal splendour.
Oft, in dreams, I stroll in silent glades
and meet the one who stole my heart
with one brief kiss ethereal;
his arms so strong surrounding me,
his tender lips on mine,
the lightness of his touch divine,
his breath a taste of heaven.
Now, awake, I wonder if I dreamed at all
could this be real, this vision?
Is there somewhere a fallen angel
dreaming dreams of me?
In silent glades I wandered free
and never dreamed of such as he
until one day he captured me
with words so sweet and charming.
His beauty was ethereal,
his manner, magisterial
my qualms, quite immaterial,
his blandishments, disarming.
His kiss aroused such passions then,
more than I'd known with other men,
I begged him kiss and kiss again,
my boldness most alarming!
Till, sated, I could do no more,
and lay upon the forest floor
to rest a little while before
returning to my farming.
If you were he and I were she
and we two met for real
we'd know such times, inspire such rhymes,
and live out our ideal.
Angelic wings my lover brings
to meet me in the glade
and like some ghost I feel almost
ethereal in the shade.
But here we sit, and type a bit,
and share each others dreams.
A world apart, our words impart
shared fantasies, it seems.
Awake! Awake!
Let this, my kiss, arouse thee;
asleep or dead, lift up thy head
for I would fain espouse thee.
Be not afraid, thy past shall fade,
cast off thine earthly sorrow;
come, fly with me, soar high with me,
awake and face tomorrow!
Take this my breath and flee from death,
let not the shades entice thee;
accept my love, join me my dove,
my powers shall suffice thee.
Arise, arise,
give death no satisfaction!
Return my kiss, and wake to this
ethereal transaction.
Locked in the warmth of his embrace,
cold flesh begins to soften.
The spirit, not quite yet departed,
pauses to examine
the promise made within this glade
of new ethereal life.
Will she accept his offer though
or go, mistrusting, to the grave.
An Old Tyme Valentine
As I live I could'st not speak a truer word than this:
A glimpse of heaven's glory I discerneth in thy kiss.
No star, however brightly it illumineth the skies,
Could e'er outshine the splendour I beholdeth in thine eyes;
And e'en the sun, which graceth thee with favour on thy brow,
Possesseth no more majesty or beauty than dost thou.
The merest touch of thy sweet hand, so delicate a thing,
Arouseth my emotions, maketh common sense take wing.
My heart awaketh in my breast, my spirit runneth free,
So utterly am I entranced by every part of thee.
If thou should'st only look my way, agree to be my wife,
There could'st not be a more resplendant moment in my life.
So come, beloved, come with me, I beg thee, from my soul,
Let us away to paradise where thou shalt make me whole.
My life shall be as naught if thou refuseth me in this;
Thy sweet agreement is enough to know a life of bliss.
Come, come, away, be mine I pray, suffuse me with delight
And I shall love thee much by day and fill thy cup by night.
© 2003
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