Fan Dancer
Under the spotlight
she pirouettes
while the crowd forgets
watching her perform
hypnotic rhythms
the pulsing beat
as music invades
the smoke-laden heat
her silken fans
like butterflies
swoop and flutter
before their eyes
applause! applause!
whistles and cheers
help to overcome
her fears
in the dressing room
she lowers a fan
looks in the mirror
sees the man
© July 2002
Alone in the spotlight's glare
Mimi performs once more before
an anticipatory crowd.
Bejewelled, bewigged and corseted
dressed in sequins and feather boa
he stands and delivers the risqué jokes
mimes to the tracks of favourite songs
in the crippling nine inch heels he loves.
Another performance over
he smiles and waves to the cheering crowd
"my adoring public, my dear"
then whisks himself off to the dressing room
and home to the tiny top floor room
he likes to call his penthouse
where he sits and relives his performance
the cheers of the crowd, the longed-for applause
and sheds a few tears, but only a few,
over a take out meal for one
before going to bed alone.
© 2002
A Walk on the Wild Side?
Love that dared not speak its name
still dares not in many places
life becomes a guessing game
matching lifestyles to the faces
Will he, won't he, will he, won't he,
will he join the dance?
will he, won't he, will he, won't he,
won't he take a chance?
Walking on the wilder side
doesn't happen hereabouts
here the people have no Pride
here it's full of lager louts
Will they, won't they, will they, won't they
beat me up tonight?
Will they, won't they, will they, won't they
go for me on sight?
Bullied all those years at school
teachers taught the pupils how
all that crap machismo cool
nothing's any better now
Will I, won't I, will I, won't I
ever be myself?
Will I, won't I will I, won't I
wind up on the shelf?
Maybe I should leave this place
seek a living in the city
somewhere I can show my face
somewhere I can dress up pretty
Will I, won't I, will I, won't I
will I make the choice?
Do I, don't I, do I, don't I
don't I want a voice?
July 2002
Mano a Mano
two beautiful bronzed bodies
muscled yet slim
evidence clear
of time spent in the gym
toned and honed and
ready for action
looking each other up and down
smiling faces belie
the smouldering inner fire
then all attempts at decorum die
the time has come
to get down
to the business at hand.
© July 2002
Lady In Waiting
He hears the whispers, naturally.
"Do you think... No, Really?
Hmmm, she looks so...
well, you know"
Same scenario every day
"It's the Adams' apple gives it away."
True, but whaddya gonna do?
Smile the professional smile
"Yes ladies, what'll it be?"
Sept 2002
While We Wait
So many different backgrounds
rich or poor, black or white.
Different inclinations
straight or queer, left or right.
All that really separates
the good ones from the rest
is how we treat each other
that's the only valid test.
We all have fads and fancies
and lifestyles that seem strange
but when you think it over
it's ourselves we need to change.
To be more understanding
more accepting, more mature.
We all live in glass houses
and none of us is pure.
Live and let live - Oh I know
it's all been said before.
If only we could do it
there would be no need for war.
Everyone could try to make
a difference while we're here
by being more magnanimous
to people far and near.
Good will is contagious
but so is fear and hate.
The world may never change
but can't we try it while we wait?
Sept 2002
A Good Day
Today was a good day all in all
Nothing interfered with
the smooth running of my life
it ran uneventfully
like well precisioned cogs
in a really expensive watch
tick tick tick tick
The weather was pleasant too
neither too hot nor too cold
No wind hassled garbage
around the yard
no rain shed its tears
down my windows
no prima donna
impassioned rays
invaded my room
to dazzle and daze
No one called round
nobody phoned
to interrupt in any way
my unremarkable orderly day
It was all so very peaceful
God but it was boring.
Nov 2002
What I Wouldn't Do
Is there anything I‘d not do for you?
Well, I wouldn't break the law;
I wouldn't murder or steal or such
or break somebody's jaw.
I probably wouldn't lie for you,
I don't think I'd have the flair,
but anything legal or moral, hon,
call me and I'll be there!
© Feb.2003
First Contact
Eye to eye across a room
a fleeting, flirty, glance
then a longer, lingering, look,
a raw yet rhythmic dance.
Up and down, and round and round,
our gazes mix and mingle,
then sudden swift awareness
of that old familiar tingle.
I watch his lips, a subtle smile,
and instantly respond.
The body language says it all
as strangers seek to bond.
© 2004
Sting In the Tail
1 First Contact
Eye to eye across a room
a fleeting, flirty, glance
then a longer, lingering, look,
a raw yet rhythmic dance.
Up and down, and round and round,
our gazes mix and mingle,
then sudden swift awareness
of that old familiar tingle.
I watch his lips, a subtle smile,
and instantly respond.
The body language says it all
as strangers seek to bond.
2 Laying Foundations
Preliminaries over now
we down a drink or two
insinuating, subtle hints
of what we'd like to do.
His face is truly beautiful,
his body firm and hard.
His words bewitch as much as any
written by the bard.
We come to a decision but
back to his or mine?
Suspecting he has more than me
I modestly decline.
3 The Sting
We ride the elevator up
in his apartment block.
My heart is pounding harder
as his key turns in the lock
and then the door is open
and I see the stuff inside.
If he wasn't so desirable
I think I'd run and hide.
The horns of this dilemma were
the feelings and the sight.
But some things come with penalties
and he's worth every bite!
© 2004
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